About Me

My name is Lee Poniris    photo       Welcome to my Website . 

My Story started when I suffered a serious back injury in 2000.  and pretty much was the lowest point in my life, which took me around 2 years to recover.

I  and was off work just over 2 years and was working in the fast food business.

Prior to my injury I was  studying in my spare time, and days off to be a massage and Sports Therapist.   

My thoughts back then was that it all went down the dumps as with my back injury,it was the uncertainty of what next and what will I be able to do , as I was a pretty active guy prior to this injury .

I also had to consider that  “I’m not going to be able to do this” and you can imagine that I also had a family to support and a Mortgage. My injury was the to the point that I needed surgery and the doctors would tell me, that I would not be able to do any strenuous  sport, weight lifting, or do what I was studying ( Massage ), as this involved periods of prolonged standing and physical pressure on my lower back .  

So I continued to hustle, and fight to recover and rehabilitate myself as I needed to get back to work and read a lot of books like authors  Wayne Dyder, Deepack Chopra, and my favorite book called “The Majic of Thinking Big ” by David J.Schwartz. This kept me in the right mindset as I always believed that I was going to be ok, and that I will succeed, no matter what I put my mind to it .

I turned to looking at what was available on line ( Internet )  and in the work from home niche. I pretty much wanted to work for myself , as I was a Hairdresser for 10 years and the transition of working in the fast food industry was just a stepping stone and something to support the funding of my studying , and put food on the table .

So we now fast forward to 2013 and come across this banner ad on the internet, on how to make money online,  and so I see video of this young guy,  from Perth Western Australia, explaining how you can succeed on making money online with his simple business. So I research this for the next 6/12 months and, I Join as an Affiliate, and I have not looked back since.

The Moral of my story is that I could have sat around feeling sorry for myself, but I chose to get off my rust dusty and concentrate on the things that I can do, and I can say that it wasn’t easy, but I did it.

I realised that o.k my training as a massage \ Sports therapist was not meant to be, but I had the knowledge and the know how, which  led me to work in the Injury Management Niche,  and it was still helping people,  as I was all about helping people which my late mother also had the gift ( Healing people ) and encouraged me to help and “heal” people.

So now I am an online internet marketing Entrepreneur , who is looking at helping other people be coached through a simple educational digital programs and products to make money online through my mentoring and coaching . 

I don’t believe that “no you cannot do that” 

The Irony is that I even though doctors told me not to do a lot of things that I am doing.

If  I  listened to them I would not be where I am today . I am not disrespecting the medical profession, as I think there is a level of care which can be seen as a crutch for a lot of people to not do,  or rather to just go for it .So some of my goals where to renovate my home, build my own wood fired oven and I have built a few now for fun for my friends ,and its been fun.

In my spare time, I enjoy making Pizza ovens for fun, and of course , making all sorts of Pizza’s.

There is nothing like a fresh home cooked Pizza

.pizza blog

I also enjoy making my own home brew ( Beer and Cider ) .

I hope that I can share my experience with you . My online marketing, enables me to fund my hobbies , and do what I want when I want and travel the world with my lap top .

I hope you enjoy my blogs and pics to follow. = Beer Pizza and Internet marketing and good food =  What a combo (:

Warm Regards,

Lee Poniris


P.S My recently built oven


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