3 Steps to Increasing Profits from Email Conversion

3 Steps to Increasing Profits from Email Conversion
Some say that in light of social media’s popularity, email will soon be a thing of the past, or at least insignificant in the way that postal service mail is much less popular than when it was king.There are even those that claim that the Internet’s youngest users don’t even have an email address, and are using texts, FaceTime,and other next-generation platforms as their primary way of communicating online.

That’s a bunch of baloney. For one thing, you need an email address to sign up for most of  the Internet’s most popular services, such as Netflix, Facebook, Twitter, and for using features such as online bill pay and digital banking. fbook

Second, people don’t always want to be instantly accessible to everybody they know, so they keep their email as a type of filter that allows people to communicate with them, but offers them the option of replying at their leisure.

In either case, email isn’t going away anytime soon. So it remains one of the best ways to promote the products and/or services you offer through your web-based business.

Step 1: Use Email to Build Relationships

The first thing that was invented after email was most likely the Spam folder. One of the biggest advantages that email offers over the postal service is that most of its junk mail is automatically diverted into a separate folder that you never have to look at.

The goal of the online marketer is to stay out of the Spam folder. The best way to do that is to build relationships with your email contacts so that they actually look forward to your emails and will be more likely to open them once they receive them.

If you approach your email contacts as customers, they are always going to think of you as a salesman. But if you treat them like trusted friends, many (if not most) will reciprocate by thinking of you as somebody they would like to know better.

Build relationships with your customers by offering personal information about your life. Share stories about your kids, send vacation photos, talk about things that are happening to you, personally. Your followers want to know!

Even if the same email is going out to hundreds of people simultaneously, if you can make it personal you can make each recipient feel as if it directed only to them.

Step 2: Don’t Always Be Selling

One mistake email marketers frequently make is using the format to constantly be pushing one product after another. This is a quick route straight to the Spam folder.

Building trust with your email contacts is more important than making a quick buck on a single product. If you build a friendship with your email contacts, then they are going to be more open to the idea of buying the products you are promoting when you do occasionally make a recommendation.

Generally, you should be promoting products in only one out of every three or four emails that you send.


Step 3: Provide High-Value Content

The best way to avoid the Spam folder and get your email contacts to not just mind but look forward to receiving your emails is to consistently provide high-value content.

By giving them helpful information that they can actually use in their everyday lives, you can nurture the relationship you are building with your contacts and go from unwanted pest to wanted guest.

While email came from a slightly older generation of web-based communication, it’s still one of the most effective ones for building relationships with your customers and converting them into trusted friends and raving fans.

To learn more about how to maximize your email promotions to increase sales, check out our lead generation system by clicking here now.

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